Listener comments and critiques:
Hello Daniel and David. I enjoyed the Sweet Release episode you guys did, and agreed with most of it. However, I think you missed a crucial point in doing this. That point is that the meat industry is even more insidious and harmful than sugar industry is. I’m just going to present some points here and where a few of my disagreements. You guys do great work and I’m a huge fan and this is in no way an attack, just a conversation.
You mentioned Ancel Keys study about saturated fat and heart disease and how the study excluded France which has a high saturated fat intake but a low prevalence of heart disease. What you forgot to mention was that France did not start to eat a high saturated fat diet until rarely recently compared to the U.S and heart disease takes a long time to develop and that french physicians under-report deaths by heart disease by as much as 20%, when corrected, they fall right back on line. Reference:
You mentioned the harms of insulin spikes caused by sugar, but you failed to mention that meat spiked insulin as effectively as pure white sugar. As shown in this study: LINK
You mentioned the marketing strategies of the sugar industry to advertise it as healthy, but the egg and dairy industry is also involved in marketing their products as healthy. The National Commission of Egg Industry made advertisement about how Eggs don’t increase your risk of heart disease. Which the U.S Court of Appeals found “patently false and misleading.” Here’s a video made by Michael Greger, M.D about how the egg industry manipulates the public on eggs. All the studies are displayed in the video and can be found in full reference:
The dairy industry is even worse than the egg industry in their marketing schemes, Michael Greger made an even better video than his Egg one which he is more qualified to talk about than me. The video is about how The Dairy Industry designs misleading studies, all studies can are displayed in the video and referenced in full. Video:
I could ramble for hours more but I just don’t have the time, I suggest to everyone to do their own research on this topic. This is only about the health impacts of the meat industry, why I find them to be much worse than the sugar industry is because of 4 reasons:
- They are the major cause of forest deforestation worldwide
- They are the major cause of water depletion world wide
- They are the biggest consumers of antibiotics which cause antibiotic microbial resistance. (I know you did an episode on that.)
- They produce 11% to 50% depending on different studies (I know that’s a long range) of all the methane released into the atmosphere.