The expansion of human beings is perhaps unrivaled by any other species. Yet that success threatens to be our downfall. As civilization grows, the wildlife that enables it gets pushed out, and valuable ecosystems are stressed to their breaking point. Worse still, the destruction of biodiversity means the keys that could unlock a path forward for life are lost forever.
How much time do we have to halt the sixth mass extinction before we too drown in its wake? The answer is much, much shorter than you think.
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- 05:40 Human Beings and Our Place on Earth
- 09:17 Defining the Anthropocene
- 11:19 The 6th Extinction
- 18:38 The Greatest Threat?
- 21:50 Global Changes are Cyclical?
- 26:08 Ecosystems and their Services
- 29:55 Biodiversity
- 36:30 In Crisis: Insects
- 48:09 Our Gardens
- 59:51 History of Lawns
- 1:07:13 Normalized to Catastrophe
- 1:09:05 Crisis: Amphibians
- 1:12:55 In Crisis: Birds
- 1:18:12 What Can We Do?
Pictures from Andrew's Garden
(courtesy of Moriah King)

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