This week we explore updates to many of the subjects we've tackled so far. Guest host Moriah King joins us as we discuss our biggest fears, as well as updates in government surveillance, water insecurity, automation, financial crises, and so much more. Strap in: it's a few months of bad news all at once (with a little good news and a whole lot of analysis thrown in), but as always we hope you'll be as motivated by these stories as we are to start working towards something better.
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- 03:50 Moriah's Fear
- 09:59 Walls
- 13:58 Government Surveillance
- 30:31 Tracking Children's Faces
- 37:46 Automation
- 40:28 Debt
- 45:15 "Plastic, Walls, and Trade"
- 51:30 Heat
- 54:45 Water
- 1:07:11 Wet and Dry
- 1:10:27 Wildfires
- 1:13:28 Pensions
- 1:14:29 Infrastructure
- 1:19:10 For Better?
Honarable Mentions that Didn't Make the Show
DEBT: IMF Imposes austerity in Haiti, sparking violence as fuel prices rise
GOVERNMENT SURVEILLANCE: Interpol's new database of voice biometrics, the largest ever developed
FARMING: UK farmers struggle to feed their families
WATER: Tragedy in Japan as unprecedented rains fall

@misc{abi-habib_kumar_2018, title={Deadly Tensions Rise as India's Water Supply Runs Dangerously Low}, url={}, journal={The New York Times}, publisher={The New York Times}, author={Abi-Habib, Maria and Kumar, Hari}, year={2018}, month={Jun}}
@misc{barnes_2018, title={Two-fifths of Russian men 'may not live to see their retirement'}, url={}, journal={The Independent}, publisher={Independent Digital News and Media}, author={Barnes, Tom}, year={2018}, month={Jun}}
@misc{barry_sorensen_2018, title={In Denmark, Harsh New Laws for Immigrant 'Ghettos'}, url={}, journal={The New York Times}, publisher={The New York Times}, author={Barry, Ellen and Sorensen, Martin Selsoe}, year={2018}, month={Jul}}
@misc{bbc_2018, title={Deadly heat wave kills 33 across southern Quebec}, url={}, journal={BBC News}, publisher={BBC}, author={BBC}, year={2018}, month={Jul}}
@misc{bbc_2018, title={'Melting road' damages cars in Australia}, url={}, journal={BBC News}, publisher={BBC}, author={BBC}, year={2018}, month={Jul}}
@misc{gallagher_2018, title={Ireland in state of 'absolute drought' as heatwave continues}, url={}, journal={The Irish Times}, publisher={The Irish Times}, author={Gallagher, Conor}, year={2018}, month={Jul}}
@article{gasperi_wright_dris_collard_mandin_guerrouache_langlois_kelly_tassin_2017, title={Microplastics in air: Are we breathing it in?}, volume={1}, url={}, DOI={10.1016/j.coesh.2017.10.002}, journal={Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health}, author={Gasperi, Johnny and Wright, Stephanie L. and Dris, Rachid and Collard, France and Mandin, Corinne and Guerrouache, Mohamed and Langlois, Valérie and Kelly, Frank J. and Tassin, Bruno}, year={2017}, month={Dec}}
@misc{george_2018, title={Kentucky teachers shut down multiple school systems, in uproar over pension bill}, url={}, journal={The Washington Post}, publisher={WP Company}, author={George, Donna St.}, year={2018}, month={Mar}}
@misc{gershgorn_2018, title={Amazon has already begun automating its white-collar jobs}, url={}, journal={Quartz}, publisher={Quartz}, author={Gershgorn, Dave}, year={2018}, month={Jun}}
@misc{goldenberg_2014, title={Is Narendra Modi a climate sceptic?}, url={}, journal={The Guardian}, publisher={Guardian News and Media}, author={Goldenberg, Suzanne}, year={2014}, month={Sep}}
@misc{jadhav_patton_2018, title={India ships more cotton to China as 25 percent tax spoils U.S. supply}, url={}, journal={Reuters}, publisher={Thomson Reuters}, author={Jadhav, Rajendra and Patton, Dominique}, year={2018}, month={Jun}}
@misc{kasler_2018, title={Biggest disaster ever? PG&E wildfire costs at $2.5 billion and climbing}, url={}, journal={sierrastar}, publisher={Sierra Star}, author={Kasler, Dale}, year={2018}, month={Jun}}
@misc{levine_2018, title={In China, a picture of how warehouse jobs can vanish}, url={}, journal={Axios}, publisher={Axios}, author={LeVine, Steve}, year={2018}, month={Jun}}
@misc{mcgrath_2018, title={Risk of water shortages for England warns Environment Agency}, url={}, journal={BBC News}, publisher={BBC}, author={McGrath, Matt}, year={2018}, month={May}}
@misc{murphy_2018, title={Latest: Irish Water Lowers Pressure In Dublin Area}, url={}, journal={}, publisher={}, author={Murphy, Sandra}, year={2018}, month={Jun}}
@misc{pti_2018, title={Shimla receives highest rainfall in 68 years}, url={}, journal={Business Line}, publisher={Business Line}, author={PTI}, year={2018}, month={Jul}}
@misc{scarsi_2018, title={Britain faces DROUGHT: HEATWAVE to hit UK this week with water levels PLUMMETING}, url={}, journal={}, publisher={}, author={Scarsi, Alice}, year={2018}, month={Jun}}
@misc{scher_2018, title={Extreme heat can be dangerous for people taking psychiatric medication}, url={}, journal={}, publisher={NBCUniversal News Group}, author={Scher, Avichai}, year={2018}, month={Jun}}
@misc{sims_2016, title={Danish town says pork must be served at all public institutions}, url={}, journal={The Independent}, publisher={Independent Digital News and Media}, author={Sims, Alexandra}, year={2016}, month={Jan}}
@misc{singh_2018, title={After harsh criticism, Facebook quietly pulls services from developing countries}, url={}, journal={The Outline}, publisher={The Outline}, author={Singh, Manish}, year={2018}, month={May}}
@misc{smith_2018, title={In Fire-Scorched Oklahoma, Help Comes One Bale at a Time}, url={}, journal={The New York Times}, publisher={The New York Times}, author={Smith, Mitch}, year={2018}, month={Apr}}
@misc{swaminathan_2018, title={Domino's Pizza unveils U.S. infrastructure project filling potholes}, url={}, journal={Yahoo! News}, publisher={Yahoo!}, author={Swaminathan, Aarthi}, year={2018}, month={Jun}}
@misc{telesur_rfpl-mh_2018, title={As Mexico Was Busy Celebrating World Cup Win, Gov't Approved Water Privatization Decrees}, url={}, journal={Noticias | teleSUR}, publisher={teleSUR}, author={teleSUR and rfpl-MH}, year={2018}, month={Jun}}
@misc{totenberg_2018, title={In Major Privacy Win, Supreme Court Rules Police Need Warrant To Track Your Cellphone}, url={}, journal={NPR}, publisher={NPR}, author={Totenberg, Nina}, year={2018}, month={Jun}}
@misc{tribune news service_2018, title={Rain hits life in Shimla}, url={}, journal={The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Main News}, author={Tribune News Service}, year={2018}, month={Jul}}
@misc{tribune news service_2018, title={This Upstate NY school district is adding facial recognition that can track students}, url={}, journal={}, publisher={}, author={Tribune News Service}, year={2018}, month={May}}
@misc{villagomez_nation_2018, title={Wildfires are spreading across Oklahoma. Here's what you need to know}, url={}, journal={PBS}, publisher={Public Broadcasting Service}, author={Villagomez, Jessica and Nation}, year={2018}, month={Apr}}
@misc{vincent_2018, title={London police chief 'completely comfortable' using facial recognition with 98 percent error rate}, url={}, journal={The Verge}, publisher={The Verge}, author={Vincent, James}, year={2018}, month={Jul}}
@misc{vincent_2018, title={Amazon employees protest sale of facial recognition software to police}, url={}, journal={The Verge}, publisher={The Verge}, author={Vincent, James}, year={2018}, month={Jun}}
@misc{wakefield_2018, title={The man who was fired by a machine}, url={}, journal={BBC News}, publisher={BBC}, author={Wakefield, Jane}, year={2018}, month={Jun}}
@misc{williams_2018, title={Most of the indoor air we breathe is polluted with microplastic particles}, url={}, journal={ - Under Maintenance}, author={Williams, Ashley}, year={2018}, month={Jun}}
@misc{yeginsu_perez-pena_2018, title={U.K. 'Heat Wave'? Irish 'Drought'? Unfamiliar Words for Unfamiliar Times}, url={}, journal={The New York Times}, publisher={The New York Times}, author={Yeginsu, Ceylan and Perez-pena, Richard}, year={2018}, month={Jul}}
Special thanks to guest host Moriah King!
Published 12-07-2018 00:54