By 2030 over 800 million jobs could be automated globally. While in the past, increased productivity from innovation tracked positively with wage increases and employment, these trends have parted ways. The integration of information tech, precision manufacturing, and machine learning place us on the precipice of a rapidly changing economy - and an end to work as we know it.
Can we adapt to the incoming automation wave, or will we be left out in the cold as the robots take our jobs, our world, and our very ability to survive?
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- 06:47 Obstacles to Total Manual Automation
- 10:14 Automation Economics
- 11:36 Wages
- 14:31 Job Creation
- 23:34 Unemployment
- 24:11 De-Skill
- 30:29 Minimum Wage
- 32:40 White Collar Jobs
- 45:15 Education Can Save Us?
- 52:30 Jobs that Lack Meaning
- 1:01:58 Who Paid for Technology?
- 1:04:06 Universal Basic Income?
- 1:09:12 What Can We Do?
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