Episode 22 - Fashion Victims

What does it take to make a shirt? That question might seem simple at first glance, but as we explored the fashion industry, we discovered a world of environmental destruction, exploitation, and human suffering on a staggering scale. Hidden just out of sight from the cheap clothes we find in our closets and strip malls is a story centuries in the making of struggles that continue through today. Join us this week as we explore the ins and outs of this dirty industry.

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  • 01:53 Scope of the Industry
  • 05:23 Shift in the Industry
  • 13:13 Labor
  • 16:26 Slavery in our Modern World
  • 20:39 Supply Chain: Raw Materials
  • 29:30 Supply Chain: Manufacture
  • 33:59 Labor
  • 34:24 Police in Fashion?
  • 37:55 Pink
  • 39:52 Supply Chain: End of Life
  • 41:55 Bloody History of the Textile Industry
  • 45:07 The Triangle Factory
  • 47:22 Can We Have The World We Want?
  • 57:38 What Can we Do?

Additional Materials

Pulse of the Fashion Industry

Global Fashion Agendy & The Boston Consulting Group

Global Fashion Agenda & The Boston Consulting Group

Business as Usual is Not an Option: Supply Chains and Sourcing after Rana Plaza

Center for Business and Human Rights at NYU Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Supply Chains and Sourcing after Rana Plaza

The True Cost


@misc{sweeny_2015, title={It's the Second Dirtiest Thing in the World-And You're Wearing It}, url={http://www.resilience.org/stories/2015-08-18/it-s-the-second-dirtiest-thing-in-the-world-and-you-re-wearing-it/}, journal={Resilience}, author={Sweeny, Glynis}, year={2015}, month={Aug}}

@misc{minter_2018, title={No one wants your used clothes anymore as fast fashion floods the bins}, url={https://www.theage.com.au/business/consumer-affairs/no-one-wants-your-used-clothes-anymore-as-fast-fashion-floods-the-bins-20180117-h0ji8c.html}, journal={The Age}, publisher={The Age}, author={Minter, Adam}, year={2018}, month={Jan}}

@misc{bain_2018, title={The dirty industry of fast fashion is causing an environmental "emergency"}, url={https://qz.com/1222569/fast-fashion-is-causing-an-environmental-emergency/}, journal={Quartz}, publisher={Quartz}, author={Bain, Marc}, year={2018}, month={Mar}}

@misc{climateworks foundation_2018, title={Measuring Fashion Report Delivers Results From the First Study on the Global Environmental Impacts of the Apparel and Footwear Industries}, url={http://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/40798-Measuring-Fashion-Report-Delivers-Results-From-the-First-Study-on-the-Global-Environmental-Impacts-of-the-Apparel-and-Footwear-Industries}, journal={CSRWire.com The Corporate Social Responsibility Newswire}, author={ClimateWorks Foundation}, year={2018}, month={Feb}}

@misc{donahue_2018, title={China Is Turning Ethiopia Into a Giant Fast-Fashion Factory}, url={https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2018-03-02/china-is-turning-ethiopia-into-a-giant-fast-fashion-factory}, journal={Bloomberg.com}, publisher={Bloomberg}, author={Donahue, Bill}, year={2018}, month={Mar}}

@misc{idacavage_2016, title={Fashion History Lesson: The Origins of Fast Fashion}, url={https://fashionista.com/2016/06/what-is-fast-fashion}, journal={Fashionista}, author={Idacavage, Sara}, year={2016}, month={Jun}}

@misc{bain_quartz_2015, title={The Neurological Pleasures of Fast Fashion}, url={https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2015/03/the-neurological-pleasures-of-modern-shopping/388577/}, journal={The Atlantic}, publisher={Atlantic Media Company}, author={Bain, Marc and Quartz}, year={2015}, month={Mar}}

@misc{hindustantimes_2016, title={'Constant sexual harassment': TN woman workers' letter exposes textile industry}, url={https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/he-squeezes-our-breasts-tn-woman-workers-letter-exposes-textile-industry/story-romBdKlfGhKAi4IujXl4cO.html}, journal={https://www.hindustantimes.com/}, author={hindustantimes}, year={2016}, month={Oct}}

@misc{clb_2013, title={Up to 70 percent of women factory workers in Guangzhou sexually harassed}, url={http://www.clb.org.hk/en/content/70-percent-women-factory-workers-guangzhou-sexually-harassed}, journal={China Labour Bulletin}, author={CLB}, year={2013}, month={Jun}}

@article{dittmar_2010, title={Compulsive buying - a growing concern? An examination of gender, age, and endorsement of materialistic values as predictors}, volume={96}, url={https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1348/000712605X53533}, DOI={10.1348/000712605x53533}, number={4}, journal={British Journal of Psychology}, author={Dittmar, Helga}, year={2010}, month={Dec}, pages={467–491}}
